Turkish Polıtıcs Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #962838

Tax rebates, duty-free imports of raw materials and and subsidized credits were economic policies pursued by the goverment in the 1980s directly aiming to:

Expand national consumption.

Increase industrial wages.

Decrease interest rates.

Increase exports.

Strengthen centralized policy-making.

Yanıt Açıklaması:

The government supported exports and constrained total national consumption through several measures such as the introduction of Value Added Tax (and low wage levels). The drive for export was fuelled by export tax rebates, duty-free imports of raw materials and subsidized credits. As a result of these incentives, manufactured consumer goods constituted 72 per cent of exports in 1992, an increase from one third of exports in 1980 (İlkin, 1991). Between 1981 and 1985 exporters received tax rebates and subsidized credit while non-exporting firms faced difficulties to get cheap borrowings.

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