Foreıgn Polıcy Analysıs Ara 1. Deneme Sınavı

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Which one of the following scholars developed the poliheuristic theory?

Alex Mintz

Herbert Simon

Irving L. Janis

Robert Jervis

Margaret Sprout


According to role theory approach, developer national role conception...

indicates a special duty or obligation to assist underdeveloped countries.

emphasises the importance of promoting prestige and gaining influence in the international system by pursuing certain domestic policies.

does not foresee a particular function within the international system, but emphasises that most efforts of the government should be directed toward problems of internal development.

indicates states that see themselves as agents of “struggle” against this imperialism.

refers to governments that allude to the responsibility of other states to defend them.


It gives the main priority to external structural factors, yet it argues that the way how states would respond to external stimuli and make sense of external/systemic factors would be decisively informed by their internal characteristics.

Which theoretical perspective is explained above?


Neo-classical realism 





  1. Foreign policy is a central concept of the discipline of International Relations
  2. The tools and frameworks utilized in the execution of foreign policy evolve in time.
  3. Foreign policy is affected by the transformation of the domestic and international contexts.
  4. There exists a multiplicity of definitions, and a consensual definition of foreign policy is somewhat lacking in the literature on the subject.

Which of the statements above can be used to affirm the argument that defines foreign policy as in a state of mutation?


I and II

I, II and III

II, III and IV

I, II, III and IV


Which one of the following foreign policy decision types refers to the decisions that involve a series of interrelated decisions?

One-shot (single) decisions

Interactive decisions

Sequential decisions

Interactive decisions

Group decisions


Which of the following approaches is a traditional foreign policy approach?

Case-Study Approach 

Event-Data Approach

Prospect Theory Approach




Which of the following is an external factor that influences foreign policy-making?

Power distributions among states

Nature of political regimes


Civil society organizations

Political ideologies


I. Anarchy means the lack of a central authority.

II.Anarchy derives from the Greek word “anarkhos”.

III. An international politics has anarchical characteristics.

IV. Major theories of international relations treat anarchy in the same way. 

Which statements above are true for anarcy?

I and II

II and III

III and IV

I, II and III

I, II, III and IV


Which one of the following types of decisions is also called administrative decisions?

crisis decisions

major decisions

sequential decisions

micro decisions

group decisions


I. States would respond to external stimuli in similar ways.

II. States have to pursue self-help security and foreign policy strategies.

III. Has a blind eye to the potential impact of individual and internal factors.

IV. Puts the main emphasize on individual factors.

Which of the above is/are a reflection of the neorealist theories?

Only I

I and III

II and III

I and II

Only IV


Which of the following assumes that political leaders act rationally in foreign policy?

Cognitive approach

Rational Actor model

Constructivist approach

Post-modernist approach

Feminist approach


Which one of the following interest groups  are not based on any narrow socioeconomic category’ such as ethnicity or economics?

Issue-oriented groups

Cultural groups

Economic groups

The mass media

Religious groups


In terms of internal factors, which of the following is NOT true about democratic regimes?

They value interdependent relations among states.

They do not fight another democratic regime easily.

They try not to take costly decisions in foreign policy.

They never adopt coercive foreign policy strategies against non-democratic regimes.

They try to prevent serious human rights breaches within their territory.


Which statement is not true about the Organizational Process Model (OPM)?

The national government is not a unitary actor.

It is  not comprised of individual decision makers.

Each organizational unit of the government has special function responsibilities.

It was introduced by Allison in 1971.

Each single unit has exclusive authority. 


Which one of the following is the decision making stage in which the decision maker interpret about the perceived information deeply to define the situation and to determine the alternative options?

Identification of the Problem: Perception, Images, and Information

Interpretation, Determination and Evaluation of Alternatives

Selection of the Best Option

Eliminating the alternatives

Implementation of the Decision


Which one of the following terms refers to the processes whereby state-centric agencies, terms of reference and the state’s ability to control the international processes that are limited in favor of interaction and integration between different actors?


Foreign Policy Behavior

National Interest

Reason of State



Which below is not one of the disciplines that contribute to a comprehensive and complete analysis of foreign policy?

Organizational behaviour






Which below is not one of the assumptions of idealism in foreign police analysis?

The human beings are all rational in their behaviours.

Peace can be secured through collective security.

Interests of states do not clash.

Democratic sates are less likely to go to war with each other.

Human nature is egoist. 


Which foreign policy theory argues that states can never be sure about the intentions of each other and that interstate trust is difficult to achieve?

Classical realism


Structural realism

Neoclassical realism



Which of the following is not one of the steps that rational actors follow within the framework of RAM?

select the final alternative that is calculated to maximize achievement of the goal,

consider just one alternative means of achieving the goal,

specify the goal to be achieved and if there is conflict among them prioritize the goal

take the necessary actions to implement the decision.

define the situation basing on objective assessment