Turkish Polıtıcs
TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Some Prefatory Notes On Turkish Politicial Life soru cevapları
TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Some Prefatory Notes On Turkish Politicial Life soru detayı:
What are three different approaches to the interrelation between economy and politics?
Every student who is “lucky” enough to have a mighty teacher will begin to learn that it is economy
which rules, not politics, so instead of involving in silly and petit political games, one needs to have a
look at “big economic picture.” This seems to be a strong and correct argumentation, indeed it is,
but partly. There is an undeniable relation between politics and economy, and there are endless
debates on what comes first in the last instance, to use Althusserian concept. The third option
which envisages the mutuality in relation between politics and economy does not solve any problem
nor it gives an adequate explanation.