DIPLOMACY (DİPLOMASİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Definition and Importance of Diplomacy soru detayı:



What does the actors of diplomacy refer to?


The main actors of diplomacy, as it is traditionally accepted regardless of its scope, are
foreign ministers along with other employees of the ministry and the diplomatic agents in foreign countries, that is the head of mission and members of the diplomatic staff of the mission.On the other hand, when diplomacy is described in the broad sense, the actors it involves widens significantly. In recent years it is also possible to say that the visa versa is true as well. As new actors come to take part in and influence international relations they also widen the scope of diplomacy. Which one comes
before the other is a minor question compared to the fact that both the scope and the actors of diplomacy have extended in a way to include what can be called globalised societies.