DIPLOMACY (DİPLOMASİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Definition and Importance of Diplomacy soru cevapları:

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What does the scope of diplomacy refer to ?


When the term is taken in a narrow sense it usually describes political relations between states and includes the practices of the diplomats and ministries of foreign affairs



What does the actors of diplomacy refer to?


The main actors of diplomacy, as it is traditionally accepted regardless of its scope, are
foreign ministers along with other employees of the ministry and the diplomatic agents in foreign countries, that is the head of mission and members of the diplomatic staff of the mission.On the other hand, when diplomacy is described in the broad sense, the actors it involves widens significantly. In recent years it is also possible to say that the visa versa is true as well. As new actors come to take part in and influence international relations they also widen the scope of diplomacy. Which one comes
before the other is a minor question compared to the fact that both the scope and the actors of diplomacy have extended in a way to include what can be called globalised societies.



What is the term "functions of diplomacy"?


The functions of a diplomatic mission are representing the sending state in the receiving state, protecting in the receiving state the interests of the sending
state and of its nationals, within the limits permitted by international law, negotiating with the government of the receiving state, ascertaining by all lawful means conditions and developments in the receiving State, and reporting thereon to the government of the sending state and promoting friendly relations between the sending state and
the receiving state, and developing their economic, cultural and scientific relations.



What is the most important function of diplomacy?


The most important function of diplomacy, regardless of its scope or its actors,
is communication. In a sense diplomacy is communication itself. Without communication there would be no international relations.



What is Nicollo Machiavelli's theory of diplomacy based on?


Machiavelli believed that military power was more important than diplomacy. But
because not all states had enough military power to pursue their aims, they needed diplomacy. Diplomacy according to Machiavelli is based on deception.



What is the main theme in  Francesco Guicciardini's theory?


The main theme in Guicciardini’s theory, which is generally outlined in his History
of Italy, is the value of good ambassadors, which he sees as a source of prestige for the price. According to him a well trained, qualified ambassador is a sign of value of the prince as well and should be rewarded. He also draws attention to the relation
between the prince and the ambassador and says that the prince should share his aims with the ambassador and not keep secrets from him for the sake of his mission.



How did Ernest Satow viewed diplomacy?


Satow viewed diplomacy as a highly specialised activity, subject only to its own rules and principles and hence believed that even though diplomatic manners and techniques may change with time, the essence of sound diplomacy does not.



Who is the writer who is considered the founder of international relations with his theory which he portrayed in his 1948 book Politics Among Nations? What does his theory tell about diplomacy?


Hans Morgenthau is considered the founder of international relations. Morgenthau’s
theory, which he portrayed in his 1948 book Politics Among Nations, can also be read as a contribution to the theory of diplomacy although not dedicated to it. Morgenthau sees the quality of diplomacy as the most important of all the factors which make
the power of a nation, since it is diplomacy that brings the different elements of national power to bear with maximum effect upon those points in the international situation which concern the national interest most directly.



What is Henry Kissinger's theory of diplomacy based on?


He does believe that international politics cannot be seized by only theoretical approach and for this reason the study of history is crucial. For Kissinger diplomacy had a secondary role and is dependent upon politics and statesman. As a realist like Morgenthau, Kissinger accepts the states are the main actors of international
system, which is a scene of struggle for power and national interest. Diplomacy is an instrument in conducting relations among these actors by peaceful means.



What do the bilateral and multilateral define?


Whereas bilateral diplomacy defines relations between two states multilateral diplomacy defines the relations between more than two such actors.



What does Communiqué stand for?


Communiqué: An agreed statement issued at the end of a summit meeting or other high- level visit or multilateral conference. Occasionally described as declarations,
communiqués are designed to give the public some sense of what has been discussed under each head on the agenda and also suggest the substance of any consensus
achieved on future policy.



What is the importance of the Congress of Westphalia in terms of diplomacy?


Congress of Westphalia (1644–48): The congress at which an end to the Thirty Years’ War was negotiated.The main fruits of the negotiations were the two treaties of peace signed on 24 October 1648 known collectively as either the “Treaty” or the “Peace” of Westphalia. They are generally reckoned to have resolved the structure and codified
the constitutional rules of the European statessystem as it had emerged from the unity of medieval Christendom. Thereafter, it has not been unusual to see the term “Westphalian system” used to describe the post-1648 system of international relations, i.e. that in which states – secular, sovereign, independent, and equal – are the members, and stability is preserved by the balance of power, diplomacy and
international law.



What does a Great Power stand for in terms of diplomacy?


A Great Power is generally described as a state that has influence in international relations. This influence mostly derives from state capabilities such as territory, strategic position and geographical extent, population, resources, military strength,
political stability and strong economy. To these must also be added the elements of soft power, which is described as “the ability to get what you want through attraction rather than coercion or payments.” There should also be a consensus about which state is a great power.



What did the Concert of Europe use to describe?


The term used to describe the main historical model of great power management
of a states-system, that of nineteenth century Europe following the Congress of



What does the Middle Power Diplomacy refer to?


The term middle power refers to the states which have neither the capacity nor the claim to be great power but have more strength and influence than the small states.



What does the Non-Aligned Movement refer to?


The movement consisting for the most part of Third World states which had as its
rationale a determination to resist pressure to abandon their non-aligned stance of
refusing to join either of the military alliance systems. Its origins are to be found
in a summit meeting held in Bandung in Indonesia in April 1955, though it was not
formally launched (in Belgrade, Yugoslavia) until 1961. Since the Lusaka summit in
1970, summit meetings of members have been held triennially.



What does the Secret Diplomacy refer to?


Secret diplomacy refers to diplomatic engagements that take place without the knowledge of the public. However it does not mean that the diplomatic meetings that occur behind closed doors are secret diplomacy.



What does the Conference Diplomacy mean?


Conference diplomacy refers to the multilateral diplomatic negotiations that take place in international conferences. But this does necessarily mean that all negotiations also occur with the participation of all actors. Bilateral or limited multilateral negotiations also take place among the participants of conference diplomacy. Conference diplomacy can be divided into two according to the way they take place; through international
organisations or ad hoc. International organisations provide a permanent and stable base, with wide participation, defined context, established structure, experienced and specialised assistance. Accordingly it is more likely to expect agreed and implemented outcomes. Ad hoc conferences on the other hand are one-time events that are organised for the negotiation of a given conflict.



What does Coercive Diplomacy define?


Coercive diplomacy defines the use of limited force or the threat of using force in diplomatic relations, with the aim of achieving desired ends.



What does the Public Diplomacy refer to?


Public diplomacy defines the diplomatic communication between traditional actors of
diplomacy and the public. By public it is meant foreign publics and the international community as a whole but in certain cases domestic public also becomes the audience of public diplomacy