Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons I Final 12. Deneme Sınavı

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Which IPE approach argues that closing off an economy to external influences can be beneficial to growth and economic progress?

Economic liberalism

Economic nationalism

Economic structuralism

Economic planning



Sugunami (1983) identified five factors that united the authors of Jones's (1981) approach on English Schools. Which of the following is not one of those factors?

aspiration to werthfreiheit

rejection of behaviourism or scientism

reliance on sociological methods

unity and specificity of the statessystem

 a perspective of the whole


  1. They both strive to show the social bases of international relations and for both of them society is constructed with norms and institutions.
  2. They also stress the significance of norms and other ideational factors such as identity and values.

The similarities above are between English schools and________.

Realist schools

Constructivist school

Critical theory

Marxist apporach

Postmodernist approach


... can be defined as explicit or implicit norms, rules, principles and decision making processes related to certain issue areas/subjects.

Which of the following completes best the definition given above?

First-image theories

Bipolar system

Unipolar system 

International regimes

Prisoner's dilemma


“This approach sees international relations as a cooperation process, and there are certain rules restricting the states to use power rather than to see the international relations as a war among gladitors or struggle of interest between the states”.

Which approach is described above?





  1. Pluralist


" _________________ theory depends on the assumption that the individuals might voluntarily bind themselves to the certain principles." Which of the following fills in the gap correctly?

Social contract

Kantian idealism





Which of the following statement is False about Kant?

An individual has the freedom to choose right, ethic and moral. 

An individual’s behaviors are determined in advance.

An individual has responsibilities and obligations to perform.

An individual has to obey universally obligatory rules.

An individual has to know the ethical laws.


Which of the following is a qualification of empirical theories?

Value is always an important element.

They are related with the subjects of philosophy and ethic.

They place the discussion of politics in the context of morality.

They rest on value preferences which cannot be tested or verified.

They intensify on the real reasons of relations between statesmen and foreign policy.


Which of the following is true regarding the British Committee?

It was composed of scholars coming from the discipline of International Relations only.

It included only theorists.

Theory emerged out of abstractions by individual scholars rather than consensual discussion.

It emerged as a result of an American initiative.

The Committee was co-convened by Kenneth Thomson and Barry Buzan.


The liberal approach can perhaps be best summarized by:

Adam Smith

Alexander Hamilton

Friedrich List

Karl Marx

Friedrich Engels


According to Hidemi Suganami, which one is NOT one of the five factors that united the authors of  “British institutionalist approach”?

Aspiration to werthfreiheit (morally neutral analysis)

Rejection of behaviourism or scientism

Reliance on sociological methods (institutional analysis)

Unity and specificity of the states- system (autonomy of IR)

Acceptance of utopianism


Which of the following principle involves the right of a state to conduct its affairs without the affairs of other states?

Free trade

Self determination


Respect to territorial integrity

Peaceful solution of conflicts


Which of the following is not one of the critiques of people who opposed to multinational corporations?

They have undue political influence over governments.

They exploit developing nations.

They creates job losses in their own home countries.

They tend to develop a monopoly for certain products.

They reduce prices and increase the purchasing power of consumers.


Regime theory is a theory for explaining and understanding ... intending the coordination and harmonization of ....

Which of the following completes the definition given above?

the international cooperation - interest among nations

collective goal - mutual harmonization

mutual harmonization - collective goal 

collective goal - interest among nations

interest among nations - mutual harmonization


Which of the followings is among the critiques of theory of international regimes?

Regime theories are related to common interests.

States do make the decision as a dominant actor in international relations.

All states would need a regime in international relations.

Regime theory can only be applied to liberal states.

Non-state actors might be influential in political process.


Whose concept of justice founded the background of new economic order demands of poor ird World countries to fill the rift between North and South?







Which of the following arguments about multinational corporations (MNCs) may be made by a liberal economist?

MNCs exploit developing nations.

MNCs have too much political influence over governments.

MNCs establish market monopolies by undercutting smaller businesses.

MNCs enhance international trade, linking interdependence and thereby peace.

MNCs may be detrimental to the environment due to the depletion of local resources.


In which situation would states NOT need to establish/agree with a regime to coordinate their cooperation?

If there is a need to reduce the effects of anarchy hindering cooperation among states

If there are issues that go beyond the physical and political limits of individual states

If they are too weak and small to resolve the problem through power relations

If they want to reduce the probability of international conflict to maintain their own security

If they have opportunity to behave unilaterally without jeopardizing the interests of others


Which of the following theories is advocating hermeneutic/interpretation instead of reality/empirical verification?







I.Regimes enable states to coordinate.
II.Regimes generate differential benefits for states.
III.Power is the central feature of regime formation and survival.
IV.The nature of world order depends on the underlying principles and norms of

Which of the assertions belong to the realists' approach to regimes?