Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons I Final 3. Deneme Sınavı

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Which of the following approaches holds that the society regulated rightly if fundamental institutions are reshaped for providing the highest satisfaction?







Which one is one of the members of the first generation scholars?

Barry Buzan

Tim Dunne

Hidemi Suganami

Roy J. Vincent

Nicholas Wheeler


What does Rawls  insist on social values?

Rawl insists that obligations accepted under such engagements must be performed force in general.

Rawl insists that social values as freedom, opportunity, income, wealth and respectfulness.

Rawl insists that obligations accepted under such engagements must be performed.

Rawl insists that emphasize that individuals and states must decide which rules would be binding.

Rawl insists that decision makers would reach a consensus for common values to be attained, some disagreements might arise for defining or conducting of these values.


Krasner's definition of international regime is that it "can be defined as sets of implicit or explicit principles, norms, rules, and decision-making procedures around which actors' expectations converge in a given area of international relations."

Which of the following refer to norms within the context of this definition?

Beliefs of fact, causation, and rectitude.

Standards of behavior defined in terms of rights and obligations.

Specific prescriptions or proscriptions for action.

Prevailing practices for making and implementing collective choice.

The normalization practices legitimizing regime relations.


Which one of the following opinions support multinational corporations?

They create job opportunities for many people.

They exploit developing nations.

They create job losses in their own home countries.

They tend to develop a monopoly for certain products.

They leverage their business agenda with capital.


  1. high-tech trade rivalry
  2. unpredictable economic crises
  3. illicit market

Which of the above areas pose serious challenge to economic globalization and the triumph of economic liberalism?

I and II

I and III

II and III

I, II and III

Only II


Which of the following involves the right of every sovereign State to conduct its affairs without outside interference?


Use of force

Balance of power

Principle of non-intervention

Humanitarian intervention


Which of the following is the  idea that all of humanity belongs to a single global community?







Which of the following is NOT a purpose of regimes?

To unify all cultural, social and political beliefs throughout the world

To form a frame for facilitating solutions to problems through treaties

To provide an environment of cooperation for promoting relations

To regulate the behaviors of states for a certain phenomenon

To regulate the areas out of sovereign rights of individual states


According to the statements below which point of view indicates Sheila Grader’s perspective related with the English School?

Sheila Grader agreed with Jones on the existence of a distinct English School.

Sheila Grader agreed that the authors in the English school had all common views about the study of international relations.

Sheila Grader said that the unifying elements listed by Jones are too specific and clear so as to consider those authors as a part of a distinct school.

The authors in the English school didn’t have their own interpretations related with the study of international relations.

Sheila Grader said that the authors in the English school had his own views and opinions about the study of international relations.


Who argues that “regimes are social institutions and structures created to regulate the behaviors of states for a certain phenomenon”?







Neoclassical realism is seen as a promising prospect for the study of international relations because of __________ .

giving less importance to some domestic variables

combining  “outside and inside” elements to establish a solid analytical framework for IR

highlighting the importance of material factors in international relations

ignoring public opinion, civil society on foreign policy process 

establishing power balance for states


What is the name of the concept which refers to the conditions under which States may resort to war or to the use of armed force in general?

covert operation

pacta sund servanda

jus ad bellum


perpetual peace


Which country adopted the gold standard system as a leader in the late 19th century?



Great Britain


United States


Which of the following is an assumption of realists?

Regimes enable states to collaborate.

Regimes promote the common good.

Peace can only be achieved by the increase of democratic states.

Regimes generate differential benefits for states.

Regimes promote globalization and a liberal world order.


Which of the following lists the two most influential figures in the development of the theory of realism in modern sense?

Edward H. Carr and Reinhold Niebuhr

Hobbes and Rousseau

Nicholas Spykman and Henry Kissinger

Thucydides and Machiavelli

George Kennan and Hans Morgenthau


……………………….aim to secretly fulfill therir mission objectives without any parties knowing who sponsored or carried out the operation.

Clandestine operations

Covert operations

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) members

American  Government elites

Multi-national corporations


Contrary to the narrow definition, which of the following reflects the broader definition of ‘regime’?

Conditioning the behaviors of states consciously to realize collective goals

All international relations and all international interactions for a certain topic

A resemblance of the specific version of international institutions

A state of cooperation of nations in an anarchical international structure

The willingness of states for cooperation in different institutional environments


What is the main reason of the fact that the concept of regime would cause the question of the limits of state sovereignty?

States, naturally, are eager to establish international regimes in the fields out of their authority.

Some limitations of international regimes which constrain states' sovereign rights are blurred to determine the subjects either domestic or global in character.

States would be eager to create regimes to prevent the anarchy and uncertainty.

There is no compulsion for regulations to be bilateral or multilateral.

International regimes may be formed in every field of subjects of international relations.


______ pointed out that a single justice depending on single law is valid for all society. For him, if there was not justice in the nature, it would not be known as the concept of justice.  

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.




