Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons I Final 7. Deneme Sınavı

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I. The theory of alienation II. The labor theory of value III. The materialist conception of history IV. The capitalist conception of history Which of the above are the sub-theories of Marxism?

I and IV

II and IV

I, II and III

I, II and IV

I, III and IV


Among the theories of knowledge, empiricism as a way of reaching-knowledge, the basic assumption is that true knowledge can only be acquired through senses and __________. 







"Perpetual peace approach is created by_____."

Which of the following completes the sentence the best?







Which of the following is not one of the four factors that encourage the limitation of violence in interstate relations in a bipolar world according to neorealists?

The lack of peripheries in a world with only two major powers.

The increase in the scope of factors included in the competition between the powers.

The permanent state of tension that arises in a bipolar arrangement.

The dominant power of major actors (in a bipolar structure) to absorb revolutionary political, military and economic changes.

A threat to the sine qua non condition of survival for each state.


  1. Adam Smith
  2. David Ricardo
  3. Alexander Hamilton
  4. Friedrich List
  5. Karl Marx
  6. Friedrich Engels

Which of the theorists above can be said to be the main theorists of economic structualism approach?

I and II

II and IV

IV and V

V and VI

III, V and VI


Which of the following statements best explains the economic nationalist view of the politics of international economy?

The relationship among individuals, society, state and the market, in general, can be characterized by severe competition which is conflictual and exploitative.

International wealth is believed to be maximized with free exchange of goods and services on the basis of comparative advantage

Closing off an economy to external influences can be beneficial to growth and economic progress.

Constantly expanding markets of capitalism inevitably lead to economic crises, and dangerous speculation by holders of capital only exacerbates these crises.

Market functions best when it is free of government interference.


Which one is one of the components that define international society?

Common land

Common ideologies

Common rules

Common history

Common words


Which of the following is not a certain ethical and moral concept of foreign policy goals?



international stability

social solidarity



Which one of the matchings below is not true?

Hedley Bull-IR scholar

Adam Watson-diplomat

Desmond Williams-philosopher

Michael Howard-military historian

William Armstrong-economist from the Treasury Department


States should produce and export those products which they can produce most efficiently, relative to other states. If international trade is free and is away from certain restrictions, it is believed that all nations win in the final analysis out of a great amount of international exchanges. This way, nations also get to know each other, cultural exchanges can occur, stereotypes can be reduced, and peace can spread all over the world.

Which of the following is the approach which is supported by David Ricardo?


Economic liberalism

Economic nationalism

Economic structuralism



Which of the following trading blocs was established by some of the former Soviet republics?







Which of the following is one of the common assumptions of both liberal and realist approaches to regimes?

Regimes promote the common good.

Power is the central feature of regime formation and survival.

The nature of world order depends on the underlying principles and norms of regimes.

Regimes promote the common good.

Regimes are established on the basis of cooperation in the international system.


  1. The World Bank
  2. The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  3. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
  4. The World Trade Organization (WTO)

Which of the so-called Bretton Woods institutions, which were set up along with the Bretton Woods Agreement, above have survived, still directing international trade and finance to a great extent, even though the Bretton Woods monetary system collapsed?

I and II

II and IV

III and IV

I, II and III

I, II, III and IV


"As he works for the happiness for himself, he works for the happiness of other people." Which philosophy supports this idea?



Hobbesian approach


Social contract


Which of the following is not a distinction of the English School from the other schools ?

English school's ontological and epistemological pluralism.

English school's historical approach repudiating determinism.

English school's approach accepting and emphasising presentism.

The significance given to values by the English school.

The significance given to civilizational identities by the English school.


What is the name of the meta-ethical position that applies universally to all similarly situated individuals?

universal law

moral universalism

natural law moral theory

universal principle

perpetual peace


Which of the following caused the collapse of the Bretton Woods system?

The end of Cold War

The establishment of European Union

Free float of currencies in 1973

Growing importance and pressure of IMF on developing countries

The establishment of World Trade Organization


The process of interaction among people, companies and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment is called:

Trade rivalry.

Trade discrimination.


North-South division.

Illicit market.


Which one is a correct argument about the British Committee?

The Committee was composed of scholars coming from different disciplines.

The British Committee met for the first time in 1959 and then worked well into the mid-1980s. Initially the Committee met 6 times a year.

In time, no other scholars participated in the meetings of the Committee.

The penultimate work that came out of the working of the Committee was published in 1981.

The Expansion of International Society, edited by William Armstrong.


The figure above shows __________ .

Balance of Threat

Power Relations

Types of Balance

Realist Model of Foreign Policy

Types of Balance of Power