Human Resource Management Final 1. Deneme Sınavı

Toplam 7 Soru


Which of the below factors is not one of the factors determining the wage structure ?

Job analysis

Job description

Work study

Performance appraisal

Job comparison 


What is the fourth step of performance appraisal ?

Determination of performance standards

Communicating performance expectations to employees

Measure actual performance

Comparison of actual performance with standards

Discuss the appraisal with the employee


Which one of the following is one of the external factors affecting human resources planning?

Organizational culture

Legal regulations

Management style

Job analysis

Workforce skill inventory


I. Business efficiency and profitabilityvincrease.
II. It helps the business achieve its goals and implement its mission.
III. Things to be done in the business can be identified.
IV. The product quality of the business decreases but prices go high.

Which of the above are true about benefits of performance appraisal ?







Which one of the following sentences is not true about objectives of performance appraisal ?

Preparing an environment that will enable the measurement of success levels from the various units of the company to the staff of the lowest unit

To contribute to the preparation of the environment that will ensure the harmonization of the objectives and requirements of both the business and the employees

Gathering information about the general success and problems of the business and allowing the future problems to be seen beforehand.

To develop more effective labor policies; wage systems; training and development programs; recruitment, selection and placement methods; promotion and rewarding strategies.

To make more money than it is possible thanks to developments that one can make in the corporation.


What is the amount of wage that is determined to be paid or that needs to be paid
per production unit or time unit is called ?

Base pay


Bare wage

Total earnings

Nominal wage


"It is based on the idea that the businesses’ performance should be balanced not only with financial outputs, but with financially unreliable operational measures such as customers, internal processes, learning and development."

This definition matches with which one of the following modern performance appraisal methods ?

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)

360- Degree Appraisal Method

Assessment Centers Method

The Balanced Scorecard Method (BSC)

Management by Objectives Method (MBO)