Organızatıonal Behavıor Final 2. Deneme Sınavı

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Which of them below occurs when  two working groups are mutually interdependent in performing their tasks?

Performance interdependence

Reciprocal interdependence

Task interdependence

Poor interdependence

Sequential interdependence


______leadership contains leader behaviors that concerns subordinates’ satisfaction of needs and preferences, as well as well-being of them. This leader creates a friendly and psychologically supportive work environment and treats subordinates as coworkers of him/ her.

Which word completes the description above best?







This leader has a moderate concern for production and people. So there is a moderate effort to accomplish the tasks by creating a good working environment. These leaders try to keep the status quo by adopting moderate approach.


Which of the following describes the leadership style illustrated above?

Country club management

Impoverished management

Team management

Middle of the road management 

Task management


Two human resource specialists are in conflict about the candidates which one more proper for the position of sales representative. What type of conflict is this?

Relationship conflict

Process conflict

Negative conflict

Group conflict

Task conflict


Which of the following conflict management style represents to reach a mutually satisfactory solution under the circumstances of complex problems?

Integrating style

Dominating style

Obliging style

Compromising style

Avoiding style


Which of the following is the correct sequence for organizational conflict according to Pondy’s Model?

  1. Manifest Conflict
  2. Conflict Aftermath
  3. Felt Conflict
  4. Latent Conflict
  5. Perceived Conflict







Which type of leadership does not belong to modern leadership approaches?







  1. It is shared by those who possess it, which means it belongs to a group.
  2. It is born out of trying to solve organizational problems.
  3. Solutions that work become part of the collective cultural history of the group.
  4. It relates to how individuals experience life in the organization.

Which of the above are among the characteristics of organizational culture?

I and II

III and IV

I, II and III

I, III and IV

II, III and IV


Which of the following pair is not correct?

Integrating Style: High concern for meeting his/ her own interests and high concern for meeting other’s interests are called win-win strategy.

Obliging Style: Low concern for self and the others are likely to yield lose-lose outcome which allows the conflict take its own action.

Dominating Style: High concern for self and low concern for the other are called win-lose strategy. 

Avoiding Style: Low concern for self and the others are likely to yield lose-lose outcome which allows the conflict take its own action.

Compromising Style: Intermediate concern for self and the others involves a give-andtake approach which results in mutual satisfaction.


  1. In an organization with a wide spans of control there are many managers having responsibility of the employees.
  2. Span of controls in organizations is the only factor directly affecting hierarchy of authority.
  3. Managers have direct control over lesser numbers of employees in organizations that have narrow spans control.

 Which of the statements above are true about the span of control in an organization?

Only I

Only II

Only III




"Disagreement pertaining to how the task will be done, who will be in charge of completing the task". What type of conflict is described here?

Task conflict

Extant conflict

Process conflict

Relationship conflict

Negative conflict


Which approach below belongs to Contingency Approach?

Path and goal theory

Ohio State Theory

Visionary leadership

Trait approach

Strategic leadership


Which of the following is a dysfunctional outcome of conflict?

Improve the quality of decisions.

Help to recognize dysfunctional processes or functions.

Impair individual/group performance

Eliminate group-thinking and predispose alternative ways/solutions.

Support creative thinking.


Which of the fallowing is one of the prominent traits of Type A behaviour pattern?

Being competitive

Being patient

Being peaceful

Being kind

Being adventurer


Which of the following is a true statement?

Lower self-monitors are capable of modifying their behaviors according to the interpersonal and social cues.

Higher self-monitors tend to observe and regulate their acts to make a favorable impression on others. 

Higher self-monitors prefer stability instead of flexibility and are less prone to adapt their behaviors in order to meet the expectations and gain positive evaluations of others.

Low self-monitors experience less frequency of conflict with others.

Individuals high in self-monitoring are thought to regulate their behaviors in respect of inner thoughts or beliefs.


Which one of the following terms refers to the personal trait that contains self-love, inflated self-view, ruthlessness, devaluation of others and manipulation of others?


Negative Affectivity


Emotional Intelligence

Type A


Why was Weber criticized? 

Because of creating a business model

Because of creating an iron cage

Because of creating a wooden chest

Because of creating a model

Because of creating a motivating model


Which of the below is an example of charismatic leader in political life?

Elon Musk

Steve Jobs

Ali Koç

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Muhtar Kent


Which of the set of terms below is used to cite the situations related to conflict?

Disputes, tensions, opposition

Aggression, absenteeism, discussion

Opposing goals, interests, diarrhea

Low self-esteem, depersonalization, anger

Anxiety, low job performance, struggle


Which of the following is a true statement?

Patience, relaxation, ability to balance work and non-work life are the main characteristics of Type A personality.

Negative affectivity reflects a pleasurable engagement with environment.

Individuals with lower emotional intelligence also tend to be more self-aware.

Employees in large units are more inclined to perceive conflict in their units.

Indirect communication leads to stereotyping which is the common and powerful source of discrimination.